Thank you for your interest in obtaining credentials with the Florida Multicultural District. Our office is always grateful for the opportunity to connect with men and women who are actively pursuing the call of God on their lives.
Below are the steps and requirements necessary to apply for ministerial credentials with the Florida Multicultural District.
Steps for those pursuing first time Credentials with FMD
1. Create Your Portal Profile
2. Complete Screening Application
3. Get approval from your Pastor & Sectional Presbyter
4. Request Transcripts
5. Complete Official Application
6. Request Ministerial and Professional References
7. Complete Official Credentials Application Process
8. Take your Exam
9. Interview with our Executive Leadership
New Applicant Requirements
Below are the minimum qualifications for ministerial credentials with Florida Multicultural District
- A minimum of 18 years of age.
- Saved for a minimum of one year.
- Have an immigration status in order according with immigration laws.
- Must be an active member of an Assemblies of God church for at least one year.
- Evidence of a divine call.
- Baptized in the Holy Ghost with the initial physical evidence of speaking in tongues, according to Acts 2:4.
- Manifest a reasonable ability for a future successful ministry.
- Must have completed the minimum prescribed courses for level of application as listed on our website.
Please note that this submission is NOT your official application for credentials. It serves as an initial screening to assess if you meet all the requirements necessary to proceed with your official credentials’ application. For any questions, please contact our office at (407) 850-9861.

Start Your Screening Process
At the end of these slides, you will find options to download this guide in PDF format and the link to Start Your Screening Process.
Education Requirements
Provides a curriculum that will prepare the students
to serve in a ministry in order to fulfill their calling.

Office Address
830 California Woods Circle
Orlando, Florida 32824
Office Hours
Tuesday - Friday: 8:00am-4:30pm
Contact Info
Phone: (407) 850-9861