Raising Spirit-Filled Leaders
Our mission is to network, renew, and resource Kids Pastors, leaders, and parents, empowering them to cultivate a generation of bold, Spirit-filled children who will rise up to make a lasting impact for God’s Kingdom. This ministry is not just another program—it’s a call to action.
KidMin Coordinator
MC Glorie Rodriguez
Glorie Rodriguez is a dedicated Assemblies of God Minister with a deep passion for child development, discipleship, and the vital role of both the church and family in guiding children to become lifelong followers of Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit. She holds a Master’s degree in Human Services Counseling & Executive Leadership, along with a Bachelor’s in Psychology and Christian Counseling. With 18 years of experience in social services and 22 years in child development and crisis intervention, Glorie has a strong background in supporting families. For over 10 years, she has served as the Children’s Ministry Director for the Spanish Eastern District and as a featured speaker at seminars, training sessions, and church events. Glorie is known for her creative and inspiring communication, engaging both children and adult audiences. She currently serves as the Hope Kids Pastor at Esperanza City Church, as well as the Assistant Director for Student Success & Retention at Southeastern University in Florida, and as the new FMD Kidmin Coordinator.
KidMin Values
Leader Development
We are dedicated to equipping and empowering every church, leader, children’s teacher, and parent with the tools, resources, and skills they need to effectively reach their goals and make a lasting impact.
We provide a clear, comprehensive, and strategic collection of Spirit-filled resources designed to equip kids’ leaders in raising up disciples who will, in turn, disciple others.
Partnering with BGMC, we aim to awaken and activate creative compassion in children, empowering them to pray, give, and go in support of missions.
Support churches in equipping, preparing, and mobilizing children to reach their peers with the gospel.
About KidMin
Our ministries guide children to deepen their relationship with God, walk confidently in their God-given identity, and live out their faith empowered by the Holy Spirit. At FMD KidMin, we are raising a generation passionate about God’s Kingdom and ready to fulfill their divine purpose.
KidMin Resources
We are committed to equipping children to deepen their relationship with God, embrace their God-given identity, and be empowered by the Holy Spirit. Through this ministry, children will learn the gospel, discover their gifts, and use them for God’s glory and the benefit of His Church. This movement is raising Spirit-led messengers who will spark revival and proclaim the gospel in their communities and beyond.
KidMin in a Box
The goal of “KidMin in a Box” is to provide each church within the district with a comprehensive toolkit that supports their children’s ministry. The resources included will help leaders develop, engage, and nurture kids in a Spirit-filled environment. Through this initiative, we aim to empower our Kidmin teams with practical tools for discipleship, Bible engagement, and leadership development, ensuring that our children’s ministries are vibrant and effective in their mission.
What is Included in the KidMin Box?
For a Donation of $150 each KidMin Box Includes:
- One Year of Mentoring and Coaching – Ongoing guidance to support leaders in implementing successful ministry strategies.
- The Discipleship Pathway – A structured guide for nurturing children’s faith and spiritual growth.
- Proyecto de Compromiso Bíblico – A resource designed to help children engage with the Bible in a deeper, meaningful way.
- The KidMin Roadmap – A detailed plan for leaders to develop and enhance their children’s ministry.
- BGMC Starting Package – Tools and resources to introduce and support BGMC (Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge) within the church.
- Girls Ministries Information – Key materials to start or grow Girls Ministries programs.
- Royal Rangers Information – Resources for introducing or advancing Royal Rangers programs in the church.
- Junior Bible Quiz Book of Questions
- Fun Arts Guide Book
- “Ignite” Parenting Cards
- “Now What” Sample book
We hold various yearly events throughout the year that are all pointed back to helping kids dive deeper into their relationship with God. These events help kids grow their creative gifts, discover their love for missions, or experience God in a new way.
KidMin Virtual R3 Talk
We will explore topics such as child development, the inclusion of children with special needs in ministry, discipleship, addressing difficult life issues, and more. It is aimed at all pastors, leaders, and children’s teachers.
Annual Subscription per Church $125.00
We believe that God is calling us to invest in the next generation, and your contributions will play a vital role in shaping their faith journey.
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” -2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV)
Dirección de Oficina
830 California Woods Circle
Orlando, Florida 32824
Teléfono: (407) 850-9861
Email: kidmin@fmdag.org
At FMD KidMin, YOU matter to us, and we want to hear from you! Share with us your prayer request or question and someone from the FMD KidMin staff will contact you.
©2025 Florida Multicultural District